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Remote Workplace Wellness

An app to foster a sense of community and enhance employee wellness in remote work environments. The app encourages participation in various organisational events and activities, providing employees with opportunities to connect,  collaborate, and support each other.

Problem Statement



How might we inspire meaningful connections and expand social support to ensure employee wellness in the remote workplace.

Design Process











1st Week

2nd Week

3rd Week

4th Week

5th Week

6th Week


User Research
User Interview
Competitive Analysis






User Personas
User Journey Map

User Flow
Card Sorting
Site Map

Hi-Fi Designs

Future Concepts

1. Guidelines
2. Establish team notes
3. Create timeline for each segment

4. Brainstorming with using whiteboard
5. Research background & gathering  information  

6. Determine most efficient methods
7. Do the work individually

8. Team discusses & combines work
9. QA - Review and Refine
10. Creating Final draft

11. Present to stakeholders / leadership
12. Action feedback & apply revisions
13. Submit and release to the world




Journey Map

Communicates with team interests in  particular task.

Conducting efficient meetings that suit all remote coworkers.

Flexible work schedule, works whenever  most productive.

Hosting unstructured virtual coffee breaks or office hours.

Priorities time for mental and physical breaks throughout the day.

Documenting key learnings for future project references.


Physical pain from long hour and too much screen time.

Facing disagreements regarding the allocation of tasks.

Conflicting priorities within the team.

Some team members work from different timezones.

Experiencing burnout and prolonged stress.

Time consuming or unproductive meetings.


User Research

Irregular daily routine, and low efficient mode

Feeling Isolated working Remotely

Miscommunication with colleague 

Some of the interview, they have flexible work time, and most of them like to work at night instead of daytime. Because of that, they are concern about their health.

Work from home lifestyle is leading to feeling of loneliness and isolation as the opportunities of social interaction and making connections with coworkers have reduced. 

Most of the participants have a hard time communicating with their colleague, especially when it is a limited time and time zone different to discuss a project. The only solution is to schedule the virtual meeting together to reduce the miscommunication. 

Productivity improvements and work arounds

Flexibility at a social cost

Missing out on in-person opportunities

Workers feel they are better able to focus without distractions in the office. Some older workers wish more tech support was available to them remotely, but have found work arounds with virtual IT chats.

Remote workers love being able to work while they travel or live in more affordable places without a commute. They crave more social interactions in the course of the day 

Some people felt they were missing out on learning and opportunities for advancement, by not being seen as often by managers and not being able to nurture work friendships or find mentors easily.

Site Map & User Flow

Meet Alex!

32 Years old, Fully remote, with a home office setup optimized for productivity.

User Scenario

Despite enjoying the flexibility, John misses the spontaneous social interactions he had with his colleagues in the office. He wishes there was a platform where he could discover and participate in events aligned with his interests and connect with coworkers outside of work-related tasks.

Work Hive

This is a space to welcome visitors to the site. Grab their attention with copy that clearly states what the site is about, and add an engaging image or video.

Registration & Authorization

Authorization can be streamlined using Gmail, Apple ID, or Facebook, allowing users to log in quickly and securely with their preferred account.

This app makes it easy to find company events by category, saving you time on a busy workday. Quickly see all relevant events happening in your company based on your selected preferences.

Search for an Event

Create a new event effortlessly when inspiration strikes or you want to host a fun gathering. With just a few easy steps, you can set up an event and invite your colleagues to join in.

Create a New Event

User Profile

Manage your profile effortlessly, where you can make updates, see your friends, view your followers, and track the events you've attended.

Events as per category

  • Can filter events according to requirements

  • Can sync office calendar and check for meeting & work schedule 

  • Option to create a new event and let others join

Message Chat

  • Can chat with group of people who volunteer for the event  

  • Chat with individuals about common interest 

Detail of Event Page

  • Option to post a question before the event 

  • Shows the price of the event or if it’s free of charge

  • Detail about the event, venue and time

Select your Interest

  • Choose what they are interested in to customize your next pages

  • New in the company- can assign you work buddy

These are initial sketches and basic representations of Work Hive app interface.

Low Fidelity Wireframe

"Interesting app, I like the adding to office calendar that makes easy to set meetings. Also I feel more categories can be added." 

Alex Smith

"UI looks great, also can we make the buttons end to end? I like the idea of interacting with employees other an just office work."

Drew Carlyle

"Great app! Messaging privately and in a group would be fun way to interact with everyone. Doing yoga with my colleagues, love that idea." 

Charlie McMann

User Feedback


Select the category which best fits the event description. 

Wohoo!! New Event is successfully created and visible to everyone now. 


Let's brainstorm a fantastic event! Create a new event by adding exciting detail and specifics about the event. 


Make Connections

Connect with peers through group chats or private messages, enhancing your event experience and make new connections.

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